
XPG GRIT Monthly Giveaway! - November 2021

Friends, Gamers, PC builders, lend me your ears. I have news of giveaways and amazing prizes.

A happy community is a healthy community and what gamers love more than anything is great games. But since XPG doesn't make games (yet) the best we can do is offer you ways to better enjoy great games made by the companies that do make them. To that end, every month XPG GRIT will hold a giveaway event for different prizes.

Each month we will host a different giveaway with new prizes and ways to enter/win. Each month's giveaway post will always be pinned near the top of the "Fun & Games" category of the blog. We will also include the names of the winners in the post as an easy way to see if you won. So make sure you check back often for updates.


This month's prize: 1 Steam key for Dark Deception: Monsters & Mortals x15

It's November and that means eating candy you still haven't finished from last week, figuring out what to do with an expensive costume you spent a month making to wear once, and seeing Halloween decorations piled up in store on sale for a fraction of the price they were last month. To celebrate the post-Halloween festivities, this month's giveaway is ironically and intentionally also about horror games.

The good people at Glowstick Entertainment were gracious enough to sponsor last month's spooktacular giveaway with Steam keys for Dark Deception. Surprisingly, many of you were already familiar with Dark Deception. One of the winners already had the deluxe edition and ended up requesting to have a different winner be chosen in his place so they too could enjoy the game. You love to see it. Glowstick Entertainment was so encouraged by the love and support showed to their game and the horror games genre as a whole that they decided they wanted to sponsor this month's giveaway as well. But this time with a different game.

Dark Deception is not just a game. It's a franchise. In addition to the titular game, there are also other games and products related to the Dark Deception universe. One such other game is the multiplayer experience Dark Deception: Monsters & Mortals. This is a multiplayer game that allows up to four players. Today, November 3rd 2021, marks the one year anniversary of the game's release, so it seemed like the perfect candidate for this month's XPG GRIT monthly giveaway.

Leave a comment on this post about your favorite indie multiplayer game. Tell us which game it is, what you liked about it, and why it's your favorite non-AAA multiplayer experience. It can be an old game or a new game. It can be any gameplay genre. It just has to be an indie developed multiplayer game. Only one entry per a user but feel free to discuss games with others in the comments.

15 random users from the comments section will be selected as our winners for this month. You will be awarded one key for the multiplayer horror game Dark Deception: Monsters & Mortals courtesy of Glowstick Entertainment.


  1. Alexander Cruz
  2. marcus
  3. Alex Jiang
  4. Bl00d
  5. Domšas
  6. Lucas Santanera
  7. Cleme
  8. Juan Alberto
  9. Yeray
  10. Não sei
  11. CyntasticGaming+
  12. Tyree
  13. Gabriel
  14. DONUTS64
  15. Benjamin

Special thanks to Glowstick Entertainment for sponsoring this month's giveaway. For more horror games from this Taiwan based indie game studio, check out their website.

*The November giveaway is now closed. All the winners have been contacted and received their prize. Thank you to everyone for participating. The December giveaway will soon be underway so make sure to watch the blog.


1. How do I win?

A: Create an account with a legitimate email and leave a comment on this blog post about your favorite favorite indie multiplayer game using the name and email associated with that account. 

2. How do I create an account?

A: Click the "Log in/Register" button at the top left corner of the XPG GRIT website and fill out the form. Wait for the account verification email before leaving your comment. 

3. What can I win?

A: For the month of November 2021, you can win one Steam key for the horror game Dark Deception: Monsters & Mortals by Glowstick Entertainment.

4. Who is eligible to win?

A: The giveaway is open to all participants worldwide. The only restriction is that you must be 18 or older or have a parent or legal guardian claim the prize for you if you are selected as a winner. 

5. Can I win more than one time?

A: Each account can only win one time in any given month but it is possible to win giveaways in future months after having already won a giveaway in a past month.

6. What do I have to say in the comment in order to be eligible to win?

A: The comment must answer the following question in some form: What is your favorite indie multiplayer game and why?

7. Can spam comments win?

A: No. If a comment is determined to be spam or low effort such as "I just want to win the giveaway", it will not be eligible to win the giveaway.

8. How many people can win?

A: For the month of November 2021, 15 winners will be selected to win one Steam key for the horror game Dark Deception: Monsters & Mortals by Glowstick Entertainment

9. How do I know if I won?

A: There will be two different ways to verify that you have won. A reply comment from one of the XPG admins will be left tagging the winner on this blog post. An email will be sent to the email account associated with the winning commenter's profile, notifying the winner. After the winner has claimed their prize via email, the winner's name will be added to the list in this post.

10. What do I need to do after I've been declared a  winner?

A: You need to reply to the winner notification email with the requested information within 48 hours of it being sent, in order to claim your prize.

11. What will happen if I don't reply to the winner notification email within 48 hours?

A: A new winner will be selected and your name will be replaced in the list of winners on this post.

12. When is the last day to enter this giveaway?

A: The final day to enter the November giveaway and win one Steam key for the horror game Dark Deception: Monsters & Mortals by Glowstick Entertainment is November 29th, 2021. The final winners for the month of November will be announced on November 30th, 2021.

XPG Terrence

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Tao Zhain ,07 Nov, 2021

Rocket League; it started as a small indie game that became very popular and is still going strong. It's basically cars playing soccer, the game is super fun yet requires serious skills to rank up!
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XPG Terrence ,10 Nov, 2021

@Tao Zhain CONGRATULATIONS! You are the first winner of the XPG November Dark Deception: Monsters & Mortals Steam Key giveaway. Please check the email associated with this comment to claim your prize.

Tauraso xd ,08 Nov, 2021

Hi my favourite Terror game is Devour

Chrissy ,08 Nov, 2021

Luna the shadow dust, it's unique, best visual and best audio makes it my favorite! Thanks.

RICHMOND ,09 Nov, 2021

FALL GUYS! I like it because you really have to give it all to win the crown, simple yet struggling to win. It’s plenty of fun for anyone. Still many people are playing this game.

Jude Clark ,09 Nov, 2021

Personally, my favourite is Overcooked. It is a fun and chaotic game, especially when there is 4 people playing together. Its fun and difficult and I love that. Plis, getting 3 stars on levels is really satisfying.
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XPG Terrence ,10 Nov, 2021

@Jude Clark CONGRATULATIONS! You are the second winner of the XPG November Dark Deception: Monsters & Mortals Steam Key giveaway. Please check the email associated with this comment to claim your prize.

Alex Jiang ,09 Nov, 2021

My favorite game is Dead by Daylight. The game has many characters to play as, each one with different mechanics and needed skill level. The atmosphere of the game is well thought out, with the different maps and low visibility, keeping everybody on edge.
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XPG Terrence ,10 Nov, 2021

@Alex Jiang CONGRATULATIONS! You are the third winner of the XPG November Dark Deception: Monsters & Mortals Steam Key giveaway. Please check the email associated with this comment to claim your prize.

Juan Alberto ,09 Nov, 2021

Favorite for me is Rust, well done multiplayer, to play online and meet new people, the game is basically try to kill everyone, and not be killed by everything
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XPG Terrence ,11 Nov, 2021

@Juan Alberto CONGRATULATIONS! You are the alternate first winner of the XPG November Dark Deception: Monsters & Mortals Steam Key giveaway. Please check the email associated with this comment to claim your prize.

Shane Peck ,09 Nov, 2021

Well first off my favorite multiplayer game is Dead By Daylight because it has such great characters and a wide universe, tons of cross overs and an interesting storyline, the characters are also super cool and they have great models.

Bl00d ,09 Nov, 2021

my favorite indie multiplayer game has to be Cuphead, frustrating as it is, its always fun to mess around with my friend and try and beat the game together. even though we are both bad at it, (mostly me haha) beating the bosses with him is really fun.
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XPG Terrence ,10 Nov, 2021

@Bl00d CONGRATULATIONS! You are the fourth winner of the XPG November Dark Deception: Monsters & Mortals Steam Key giveaway. Please check the email associated with this comment to claim your prize.

Alexander Cruz ,11 Nov, 2021

My favorite indie game is Fall Guys.????❤️ Thanks for the chance XPG. More power Guys ????
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XPG Terrence ,15 Nov, 2021

@Alexander Cruz CONGRATULATIONS! You are the alternate first winner of the XPG November Dark Deception: Monsters & Mortals Steam Key giveaway. Please check the email associated with this comment to claim your prize.

Alex Sam Cruz ,11 Nov, 2021

I love Stardew Valley.????❤️ Ftw!

LKGYT ,12 Nov, 2021

my favorite indie multiplayer game has to be Piggy hunt I love the way A Roblox game went from a small game too having a giant merch line and their own game on steam. It's so funny to sneak up of players and mess with them as you slowly inch closer.
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XPG Terrence ,22 Nov, 2021

@LKGYT CONGRATULATIONS! You are the twelfth winner of the XPG November Dark Deception: Monsters & Mortals Steam Key giveaway. Please check the email associated with this comment to claim your prize.

Domšas ,12 Nov, 2021

Minecraft is my favorite, because you can play with your friends, you can comunicate and cooperate with others, which will be very important for us, teenagers later in life. Thank you for your attention. Have a great day!!! :)
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XPG Terrence ,15 Nov, 2021

@Domšas CONGRATULATIONS! You are the fifth winner of the XPG November Dark Deception: Monsters & Mortals Steam Key giveaway. Please check the email associated with this comment to claim your prize.
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XPG Terrence ,16 Nov, 2021

This is a test comment.

E gamer ,12 Nov, 2021

My favorite multiplayer indie game is crab game. I love it when I can push people in red light green light. I also love it when I can tag someone in bomb tag right before the bomb explodes. Overall the game is funny and great.

Lucas Santanera ,13 Nov, 2021

My indie multiplayer game is Valheim. Because of the funny situations that happen. It has happened to me to be collecting materials for an axe and I end up crushed by a tree, or I fight against a complicated enemy and I die in the silliest way possible.
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XPG Terrence ,15 Nov, 2021

@Lucas Santanera CONGRATULATIONS! You are the sixth winner of the XPG November Dark Deception: Monsters & Mortals Steam Key giveaway. Please check the email associated with this comment to claim your prize.

Cleme ,13 Nov, 2021

My favorite indie multiplayer game is Devour, the devs have been really consistent with the updates and it's super fun to play with friends. I also love how each character and map for the game is unique.
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XPG Terrence ,15 Nov, 2021

@Cleme CONGRATULATIONS! You are the seventh winner of the XPG November Dark Deception: Monsters & Mortals Steam Key giveaway. Please check the email associated with this comment to claim your prize.

Polakonas ,13 Nov, 2021

My favorite indie game is Rocket league. It is a great game to play with your friends. IM not good at RL, but i just play for fun. Another great indie game is Dark deception. That game left me speechless, so it would be fun to play multiplayer then!!!

Juan Manuel Arevalos Gonzalez ,16 Nov, 2021

Hi, my favorite indie multiplayer is Devour because playing with friends help to build fear and a sense of reality, i love it.

Jaydin Roberts ,16 Nov, 2021

As of recently, I've been playing a lot of Risk of Rain 2 with friends! The third-person shooter action it brings, collecting items, and the way me and my friends come together to get through an area or beat a boss. The music is also amazing. Thank you <3
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XPG Terrence ,01 Dec, 2021

@Jaydin Roberts CONGRATULATIONS! You are the alternate thirteenth winner of the XPG November Dark Deception: Monsters & Mortals Steam Key giveaway. Please check the email associated with this comment to claim your prize.

Rom ,18 Nov, 2021

My favorite indie multiplayer game is Amonng Us. I love playing this game with my nephews and nieces and its actually our bonding game which makes it more exciting and fun.


DONUTS64 ,19 Nov, 2021

My favorite indie multiplayer game is Minecraft. I enjoyed playing this game with my siblings in Creative and Survival mode. This game is so much fun and calm.

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XPG Terrence ,29 Nov, 2021

@DONUTS64 CONGRATULATIONS! You are the fourteenth winner of the XPG November Dark Deception: Monsters & Mortals Steam Key giveaway. Please check the email associated with this comment to claim your prize.

Jordan ,19 Nov, 2021

My favourite indie multiplayer game is monsters and mortals since i was able to olay the beta. It's  mu favourite because i got to play as the gold watcher and fight other players who were also monsters/mortals.

Luke ,19 Nov, 2021

I watched 8-bitryan play dark deception few years ago and instantly fell in love with it. I bought DD complete and had a blast with it. The devs are really communicative with their comminity prividnog news and updates on their games which makes me stick up for a long run. Then Monsters and mortals dropped. I liked it as much as Dark Deception. Pretty fun game to play with friends a lot of good colaborations. So my answer is: My favorite multiplayer indie game is monsters and mortals 

Yeray ,19 Nov, 2021

My favourite multiplayer indie game is Minecraft. I've been playing it since I was like 10 and it still hasn't grown old for me. I used to play Pocket Edition on my grandma's Ipad back then and played a lot with my sister and nephews. We were never good at anything in the game, but it still was fun. We used to make big builds like hotels and mansions, but they were all just basically big cubes. I still play Minecraft to this day, but I've moved to Java Edition now. I play on Hypixel with some friends a lot and then we just goof around in Bedwars for example. I'm still amazed how people could make these kinds of gamemodes in Minecraft. I played a lot on SMPs with more friends too, it was really fun to just see the world around you evolve when logging back in after a day or two. Sadly that server shut down because of player inactivity, and the host wanted to host a server for another game which he only could do if he took down the Minecraft server. Luckily I did get a worlddownload of the map and I'm so glad I did. I also owned my own SMP for a bit, but I kept adding unneeded plugins which in a way ruined the server. Once it got the server really active, but after a while people got bored, I went crazy with what I could add and added way too much which made some people unable to join and a lot more happened which eventually led me to shut it down. I am trying to get a new SMP open, this time hosted on a friends PC (he came up with the idea) and we are still trying to figure out how to set everything up before it opens. It will probably be a small SMP, but that doesn't matter if you're playing with friends. There also was a time I bought Minecraft for the Nintendo Switch. I don't recommend buying the Switch version if you are into Multiplayer. It takes a long time to log in with your Microsoft Account, nothing feels like loading, even your inventory will take a good 5 seconds before it opens up. The servers you can play on the Bedrock Edition aren't made for the Switch version and it is really obvious when you look at performance. In total I own 4 versions of the game: Java Edition, Pocket Edition, Switch, Wii U and I would say Minecraft is great on all of them (except like I said the Switch version, but only with multiplayer) and I am happy that a lot of the versions are still getting updates. I surely can't wait until the 30th! I hope update 1.18 will keep me and a lot others busy for a while.


I only now noticed that this comment is really long oh goodness. If you read all of it, thank you I guess. Have a good day you all!

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XPG Terrence ,22 Nov, 2021

@Yeray CONGRATULATIONS! You are the ninth winner of the XPG November Dark Deception: Monsters & Mortals Steam Key giveaway. Please check the email associated with this comment to claim your prize.

Andrei-Alin ,19 Nov, 2021

My favourite indie game is Among Us, because it's very fun to play with your friends and you have to have some skills to win in this game. It can damage your trust your friends have, but it's worth the fun and the trust which you lose is just for the game, not in real life.

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XPG Terrence ,29 Nov, 2021

@Andrei-Alin CONGRATULATIONS! You are the thirteenth winner of the XPG November Dark Deception: Monsters & Mortals Steam Key giveaway. Please check the email associated with this comment to claim your prize.

Tomasz ,20 Nov, 2021

My favourite indie multiplayer game is Fall Guys, when you ignore cheaters it's really fun game to play with your friend.
I also really like Among Us because SUS AMOGUS SUS SUS

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XPG Terrence ,22 Nov, 2021

@Tomasz CONGRATULATIONS! You are the tenth winner of the XPG November Dark Deception: Monsters & Mortals Steam Key giveaway. Please check the email associated with this comment to claim your prize.

CyntasticGaming+ ,20 Nov, 2021

My favourite multiplayer indie game is Phasmophobia, because you can work together to identify the ghosts or prank and scare each other intentionally and unintentionally! One of my favourite things in the game is laughing at my sister's misshapen ragdoll body when the ghost gets her instead of me! It has brought me and my sister tons of laughs, and we have no intention on stopping our adventures in this game anytime soon! :)

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XPG Terrence ,22 Nov, 2021

@CyntasticGaming+ CONGRATULATIONS! You are the eleventh winner of the XPG November Dark Deception: Monsters & Mortals Steam Key giveaway. Please check the email associated with this comment to claim your prize.

Sam ,20 Nov, 2021


Trimpatri ,20 Nov, 2021

My favorite indie multiplayer game is Dark Deception: Monsters & Mortals, because I am amazed by the graphics, gameplay, and the fact that Glowstick Entertainment got Silent Hill and Poppy Playtime soon. I am excited for the upcoming DLC and I want Glowstick Entertainment to do their very best for the future and keep surprising everybody.

Kyle ,21 Nov, 2021

My favourite indie game is most likely Terraria. I've poured countless hours into the game and have had amazing experiences playing with other people. As for monsters and mortals I remember watching dark deception all the way back when markiplier played the early version of it and was instantly hooked with the concept. Watching this game evolve has truely been a spectitcal and I've enjoyed watching a variaty of content creators play it; especially monsters and mortals. Watching YouTubers like Dawko and 8-bitryan play the game is so entertaining and I would love to have the game for myself as it seems like such good fun. Fingers are crossed ???? 

dani ,21 Nov, 2021

my favorite is dead by daylight i like its gore and satisfying killers and powers they own

LuckyDiel ,21 Nov, 2021

My favorite indie multiplayer game must be Cuphead. 
And the reason is because it is beautiful hand drawn game in the style of cartoons from the 30s.
The second reason is the music. Music is the bread and butter of the game, recorded by an actual band!

marcus ,23 Nov, 2021

Hello, answering the question of your favorite indie multiplayer game, it would be pacify, I liked its dynamics that most insists on exploring and burning the wrists besides that the end was a bit unexpected: V, by the way I think there has been a problem with verifying the account since it sends me an email but when logging in again it sends me the unverified email message, when if it comes to verify anyway thanks for the raffle (and excellent game that I hope to win it)

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XPG Terrence ,24 Nov, 2021

@marcus CONGRATULATIONS! You are the alternate second winner of the XPG November Dark Deception: Monsters & Mortals Steam Key giveaway. Please check the email associated with this comment to claim your prize.

Trimpatri ,24 Nov, 2021

Undertale - The defensive system, story, character designs as well as their personalities, game mechanics, and soundtrack are top notch. The game was in development for 32 months and was funded by a Kickstarter page, and the people that helped funded the game appeared in the credits of one of the endings. The fact that basically 1 PERSON did the entire game himself really amazes me and I can't wait to see his new games coming soon.


Sam ,24 Nov, 2021

Five Night's At Freddy's. The story and lore are off the charts, and the creativity of some game's mechanics were some things no other games had ever seen before. The animatronics themselves are very interesting, but when you jump down the rabbit hole that is the lore, you really get deep.

Tyree ,25 Nov, 2021

My favorite indie multiplayer game is Dead by Daylight, this is because I am a huge horror game fan and enjoy to share that horror with friends. I also love DBD because it features other characters from other games, like Jason or Michael. I have started getting into Dark deception so this is right up my alley, please pick me guys. Thanks.


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XPG Terrence ,25 Nov, 2021

@Tyree CONGRATULATIONS! You are the alternate twelfth winner of the XPG November Dark Deception: Monsters & Mortals Steam Key giveaway. Please check the email associated with this comment to claim your prize.

Gabriel ,25 Nov, 2021

My favorite game is dead by dayligth, i have almost 3k hours in this game, and i just cant stop playing, i really love terror games, even if i am a really ez to scary people XD how ironic, isn't it? haha

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XPG Terrence ,03 Dec, 2021

@Gabriel CONGRATULATIONS! You are the alternate thirteenth winner of the XPG November Dark Deception: Monsters & Mortals Steam Key giveaway. Please check the email associated with this comment to claim your prize. *Please note that as we are past the end of the giveaway and need to finish it asap in order to start the next giveaway, we are only allotting 24 hours to respond to the claim email instead of the usual 48 hours. Sorry for the inconvenience.
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@GameChangerDOC ,16 Feb, 2022

I wish I could win.

Não sei ,25 Nov, 2021

devour is my favorite game as it is an extremely challenging game to play with friends, i love the story of the game and the characters, and i also find it interesting the way the levels are linked with each other
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XPG Terrence ,25 Nov, 2021

@Não sei CONGRATULATIONS! You are the alternate tenth winner of the XPG November Dark Deception: Monsters & Mortals Steam Key giveaway. Please check the email associated with this comment to claim your prize.

Benjamin ,28 Nov, 2021

My favorite indie multiplayer game is a game called Gamg Beasts. It's a hilarious and kind of physics based fighting game. Me and my friends found it hilarious while playing so it was worth all the time I spent downloading (my internet is not great lol). Hilarious and fun game so I'd recommend it to anyone who is interested!

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XPG Terrence ,29 Nov, 2021

@Benjamin CONGRATULATIONS! You are the fifteenth winner of the XPG November Dark Deception: Monsters & Mortals Steam Key giveaway. Please check the email associated with this comment to claim your prize.

baculo de ,30 Nov, 2021

phasmophobia is my favorite game as it is a very scary and fun game to play with friends. the game has a lot of cool and different mechanics, which makes it much more interesting. what I like most about it is that, although I play a lot, I never stop being afraid of ghosts.