Tech Bros Will Never Kill the Switch
DJMMT discusses why PC handhelds continue to fail at competing with the Switch.

I Hope Mirage is Amazing
DJMMT discusses his hopes for Assassin's Creed: Mirage's impact on the gaming industry.

Raids are Still Trash
DJMMT shares his thoughts on the recent Pokémon Scarlet/Violet Mewtwo raid.

Xtreme Saga (The Comic) is Live!
Announcing the Xtreme Saga web-comic series.

Breaking the Social Contract with Gamers (Returnal)
DJMMT talks about his experience playing Returnal.

Is Baldur’s Gate 3 the New Standard?
DJMMT discusses why Baldur's Gate 3 isn't the new standard for game development.

Xtreme Saga (Novel) - Chapter 2
Announcing the release of Xtreme Saga - Chapter 2.

The Life of a Magical Circle Review
DJMMT reviews the recently released 'The Life of a Magical Circle.'

Armored Cored VI: Fires of Rubicon Gameplay Footage, Oh My!
DJMMT shares his thoughts on the Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon pre-release gameplay footage.

Rain World PS5 Port Review
DJMMT reviews the PS5 port of Rain World.