What Makes a Good Gaming Subscription Service?
DJMMT discusses the current value proposition of gaming subscription services.

I Think it’s Finally Time to Quit the PS4
DJMMT discusses why he's finally ready to stop buying new PS4 games.

Are We the Problem?
DJMMT discusses Dungeon Encounters and the repercussions of playing games we think are bad.

Basic Features for Premium Prices
DJMMT discusses the announcement that PlayStation will require all AAA titles to have timed trials for PS+ Premium subscribers.

XPG GRIT Giveaway! - June 2022
Here are the details for June 2022's giveaway.

Trek to Sales Numbers
DJMMT shares his thoughts on Trek to Yomi launching on Game Pass versus sales numbers on PlayStation.

The Time for Kirby is Nigh!
DJMMT shares his thoughts on Kirby and the Forgotten Land and the difficulty of the franchise.

Kingdom Hearts has Finally Reached FF Status
DJMMT discusses his thoughts on the Kingdom Hearts IV announcement and the general state of the franchise.

Voice of Cards Reignited my Love for Turn-Based RPGs
DJMMT shares his thoughts on Voice of Cards: The Isle Dragon Roars.

Thoughts on Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin
DJMMT reviews the Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin demo.